Thursday, July 24, 2008

Fluid Form

This project shows the investigation of a slow curve. By using a single material I created a 3 dimensional model based on two precedents; Herzog and de meuron and Zakary Kinnaird. Herzog and de Meuron and Zakary Kinnaird both use fluid form by using structure, repetition, light, cuts and folds to create abstract and 3 dimensional compositions. The material that I constructed my model from was paper, which I cut through and folded to get the effect of a 3 dimensional model. I chose to use paper as it leaves a very clean, crisp cut, it creates evocative shadows and when light is shone through it, it illuminates the paper. I feel that my model consisted of all these elements which made it very effective and successful.


I made this blog as a class assignment, which has helped me learn more about the internet and connecting with other people in another type of environment. I have read through the class list and visited most of the sites leaving a sprinkle of comments of encouragement on the way. I found a number of work that I liked such as; Olly Wayne as he has an awesome vLog, Matt Armitage as he has a well thought out composite image and cool template, Tom Rutledge just has an wicked page.

My first vLog, Hiring a DVD

This is a video of me doing the process of hiring a dvd from video ezy.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Real Life Network

This is a composite image I have created of a real life network.